Our exams are in 4 weeks and we have only started devising a study schedule now. We are in the 1st year of the BSc program and it's so stressful sometimes we all wish we could erase exam week from the calendar. A good tip to do is what my friend does - fold a paper in 4 parts and read over one section of the note. Then, copy it out word for word on one section. Then, cover it up and what you just copied, and write down everything you know and understand. Do it twice to help you understand. Then, talk about what you know out loud. Go on to the next section do the same. Then, once you are finished, write out what you had studied in the previous section. Now put these tips all together:
- Give yourself plenty of time
- Read over your notes every night
- Paraphrase the text book and the teacher's notes
- Read something, cover it up, and recite it back until you know it.
- Don't memorize it. Understand it
- Be involved in your classes.- Don't simply pretend you are a sponge, ready to soak up whatever the instructor says. You are there to learn, not to be taught.
- Ask questions- if you are confused. Confusion is definitely your worst enemy.
- The least efficient approach to studying is to attempt to memorize your notes from beginning to end. It's not the words which are important--it's the ideas.
- Highlight- major topics and subtopics, with the goal of generating an outline of your notes